Spiffy Calendar: Selling tickets to your events

Now that the CampTix plugin has been retired, it is time to look for more solutions to selling tickets.

In the interest of keeping Spiffy Calendar lightweight, we want to integrate an existing payment plugin. In fact, using the "Link" field of a Spiffy event to link to a checkout page would allow any purchasing software to be tied to an event. What follows is a description of how to use Easy Digital Downloads to sell your tickets, but the method described here could be adapted to any eCommerce plugin.

Install and Configure Easy Digital Downloads

Install the Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin and configure your General settings and Payment Gateways.

Customize the email messages sent for a purchase. The following template will generate a simple list of the tickets purchased:

Dear {name},

Thank you for your purchase.





Create a "Download" post for your event

The Download post will set your ticket prices. When you create your new Download post, set the title, optional description and category.

Enable the following 2 options for your Download post:

This will enable you to create several prices, and drag-and-drop their display order.

Under "Download Settings" set the "File Download Limit" to 0.

Finally, enter a file name and URL in the Download Files section. We suggest putting a file name like "Event Details" and URL link to a page/post on your site that describes the event. Doing this will prevent the insertion of "No downloadable files found." in your purchase recipts.

Connect your Spiffy event to the Download post

In your Spiffy event you can enter the Download post Permalink into the "Link" field. In your description, include some text like "Click the link to purchase tickets".