Loading Images

Link each image to either a Lightbox preview or an external URL. The Lightbox pop-up supports cycling through all the photos – left/right arrows appear when hovering over the photos.
The plugin is available for free at the official WordPress repository.
- Swipe control of images
- Configure the aspect ratio of the carousel to better fit your images
- Select the image size to use in the carousel from the sizes configured for your theme
- CSS reflections
- WPMU support
- The gallery is built from either the WordPress media library or directly from a folder containing images
- Multiple galleries per page
- Configure the background color, text color, container width and choose black or white for the scrollbar
- Options to disable the captions and/or slider
- Auto-rotation of the carousel
- Configure the starting slide number
- Touch control of the scrollbar
- Optional link field in the image editor to link an image to a URL instead of the lightbox
- Option to open links in the same window or a new window
- Enable/disable automatic rotation for each instance of a gallery
- Supports full text description in the popup window if the gallery is from the media library
- Display with or without reflections
- Shortcode generator
- NextGen Gallery support
- Featured Post support
- Extended carousel styles
- Infinite circular carousel
- Lightbox arrow styling
- Configure the number of images on each side of the carousel
- Slide-up captions
WP Flow Plus is free to use!
It has required a great deal of time and effort to develop and you can help support this development by making a small donation.