Spiffy Calendar: Options

User Options

Event Manager Role

A drop-down list of the roles found on your system is provided. The selected role is the lowest level that will be allowed to manage events in the back-end.

Limit non-admins to editing their own events only

This option prevents event managers from editing events created by other users. They will only be allowed to manage their own events.

Display Preferences

Display author name on events

When this option is ticked, the author's name will be displayed with the event.

Enable detailed event display

When this option is enabled the time and image will be listed with the event title. Note that time and image are always displayed in the popup window.

Display a jumpbox for changing month and year quickly

This options adds a year and month select boxes to the heading of the calendar.

Display all day events at the end of the list

If not selected, all day events are listed first, followed by events sorted by start time. This option will invert this display ordering.

Display week numbers in the full size calendar

This options adds a column on the left side of the calendar, listing the week number.

Open event links in new window?

When not ticked, all event links open in the same tab.

Open map links in new window?

When not ticked, all map links open in the same tab.

Enable expanded mini calendar popup?

When this option is disabled the time and title will be listed in the mini calendar popup. When this option is enabled, the description is also displayed.

Display link to add to Google calendar on each event? (since 4.4.0)

When selected, a link to add each event to the visitor's Google calendar is displayed.

More details link text (since 4.4.0)

Change the text displayed as "More details >>".

Upcoming Events

Display upcoming events for n days into the future

Sets a limit to the number of days searched ahead for upcoming events.

Include today in the upcoming list

Include events that are happening on the current day in the upcoming events lists.


Enable event categories

Turns on/off the event category system. When disabled, the category key will not be shown on the bottom of the calendar.

Category Titles

Rename the category system to whatever suits your purpose.

Sort categories alphabetically

The default order is sorted by category ID. Ticking this checkbox will sort them alphabetically instead.

Use category color as background color

When this option is disabled the category color is used for the text color in the main calendar. When this option is enabled, the category color is used for the background color instead.

Category text color

This option appears when theĀ  "Use category color as background color" checkbox is ticked. The default text color is white, but this option allows you to change it to better suit your category colors.


Responsive maximum width

Enter 0 to disable the responsive full size calendar. Otherwise enter an integer number of pixels. Recommended value is 600 which works on many themes.

Custom CSS styles

Add any custom rules that pertain to the calendar here if desired.