Spiffy Calendar: Bonus Add-Ons

Purchase the bonus add-ons plugin to enjoy advanced features

Bonus Features

  • Live Theme Customizer - update your calendar theme and styles with the WordPress Customizer live preview
  • Premium Themes - click to preview the bonus themes
  • ICS Export - you and your customers can download your events directly into device calendars
  • Front End Submit - allow visitors to your site to submit events with or without logging in, with Google reCAPTCHA support
  • Import/Export events in a CSV file
  • Custom Fields - add the information you need to your event

A one-time purchase includes lifetime updates and support!

Bonus Add-Ons



  • You must have both Spiffy Calendar and Spiffy Calendar Bonus Add-Ons installed and activated to use the bonus features.
  • You will be notified of updates to the Bonus Add-Ons in the usual manner from your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Installation instructions


You can update the plugin from the WordPress dashboard. If you are having trouble or don't see the update message, check this article for help.

Bonus Add-Ons Changelog:

Version 4.00 (March 10, 2025)

* MAJOR UPDATE: events are now stored as custom post types. When upgrading from an existing installation, old events will be automatically converted to the new format.
* After the plugin update you need to update your selected featured event if you use a featured event widget
* New: events now have standard post features such as quick edit, bulk edit and trashbin
* New: categories now have standard category features such as multiple categories, quick edit, bulk
* Fix: textdomain translation was being used too soon
* Update: PHP 8 compatibility

Version 3.28 (January 23, 2024)

* Fix: deprecated PHP warnings

Version 3.27 (November 21, 2023)

* New: custom field type: description (like heading but in paragraph form)
* New: custom fields option to hide in front end calendar and lists
* New: front end submit admin notification email now includes all event data

Version 3.26 (July 31, 2023)

* Fix: front end edit missing nonce
* Fix: customizer setting of weekday title background when a premium theme is used

Version 3.25 (February 9, 2022)

* Security: additional security checks and sanitation
* Fix: block theme frontend edit messages and dashicons
* Fix: frontend edit form submit goes to fresh url

Version 3.24 (January 27, 2022)

* New: customizer setting for category key table
* Tweak: added missing frontend submit title
* Tweak: fix delete confirmation on frontend submit when event title contains single quote

Version 3.23 (August 8, 2021)

* Fix: custom fields in front end edit/delete

Version 3.22 (February 12, 2021)

* New: custom fields support
* New: remove support for Camptix, plugin is no longer available from WordPress repository
* New: allow field exclusion from front end submit form
* Update: modify premium themes to work with new calendar features: grid/list toggle; mini-popup configuration
* Tweak: additional field count check on CSV import
* Fix: re-add missing frontend submit styles (broken in version 3.18)

Version 3.21 (August 7, 2020)

* Fix: remove notice of undefined variable in front end submit

Version 3.20 (August 6, 2020)

* Fix: remove constant table names to allow multi-site access

Version 3.18 (July 23, 2020)

* Fix: localize datepicker so front-end submit datepicker uses correct language
* Fix: use wp_add_inline_style to add custom styles from the customizer

Version 3.17 (March 21, 2020)

* Fix: CSV import failure due to incorrect call to check_admin_referrer

Version 3.16 (March 9, 2020)

* Fix: typo in ICS monthly export
* Tweak: remove category key table left/right styles to fit better with most themes

Version 3.15 (February 27, 2020)

* New: front-end submit improvements: submitter name/email added to email notification
* New: ICS export of full year is supported by constructing a link with ?ics=1&yr=1
* Fix: light theme arrow CSS
* Fix: ICS export should filter categories to match the calendar

Version 3.14 (January 31, 2020)

* Fix: transparent theme arrow CSS
* Fix: weekend current-day background with customized color

Version 3.13 (January 10, 2020)

* Fix: customizer arrow color fix for some premium themes

Version 3.12 (November 11, 2019)

* New: import/export events to CSV
* New: frontend submit allows image upload option with max image upload size option
* New: Light theme, mostly white and light
* New: Transparent theme, works well with background images
* New: Theme updates for Twenty Twenty theme
* Fix: bonus plugin activation in a network installation
* Fix: remember event link contents when front-end submit form is rejected
* Fix: premium theme arrow display for Internet Explorer

Version 3.11 (March 18, 2019)

* Fix: front end submit with reCAPTCHA error with event location link setting
* New: add option to use category colour as the background on the basic full calendar display, also add support to the customizer
* Tweak: display categories in alphabetic order in drop down lists when the option is enabled (previously only the category key display was alphabeticized)

Version 3.10 (February 13, 2019)

* New: replace datepicker script with multilingual, built-in jQuery UI datepicker

Version 3.01 (February 5, 2019)

* New: add customizer color setting for event list text color
* Tweak: add CSS class to front-end submit table
* Tweak: add CSS rules to fix display using Twenty Nineteen theme
* Tweak: theme updates corresponding to main calendar plugin updates
* Fix: customizer theme settings in preview

Version 3.00 (November 19, 2018)

* Fix: move settings string definitions to "init" hook
* Tweak: add styles to back end for Gutenberg block editor
* Tweak: return space instead of null for Camptix shortcode for Gutenberg block

Version 2.12 (August 29, 2018)

* Fix: frontend edit/delete links for all permalink styles

Version 2.11 (August 28, 2018)

* New: event status (published/draft/pending)
* New: option for front-end event submit to save new events as pending instead of immediately publishing
* Tweak: increase some input field widths to display better on Mac Safari

Version 2.10 (July 16, 2018)

* New: optionally send email when a front end edit is made

Version 2.9 (June 14, 2018)

* Fix: allow 60 character titles in front end submit form
* Fix: customizer setting of popup background color and weekend text color

Version 2.8 (May 22, 2018)

* New: front end edit/delete events
* New: support for Location field
* Improve: better ICS export for Description to support paragraphs
* Fix: front end edit remember user recurrence input when a submit error is displayed

Version 2.7 (February 9, 2018)

* Tweak: only enqueue frontend scripts and styles when needed

Version 2.6 (January 17, 2018)

* New: option to specify user level for front end submit, default is contributor
* New: option to enable recurring events in the front end submit form, default is disabled
* Fix: typo in customizer for default theme setting
* Fix: customizer default value for theme might leave it undefined, check for that and fix

Version 2.5 (November 14, 2017)

* Changes to premium themes to support main plugin html/CSS updates
* New: allow setting of responsive width in customizer
* Fix: customizer of arrow color for some themes didn't work
* Fix: delete customizer options when plugin is deleted

Version 2.4 (November 3, 2017)

* Update domain

Version 2.3 (October 24, 2017)

* New: front end submit form with reCAPTCHA shortcode for simple, non-recurring events

Version 2.2 (October 12, 2017)

* Move shortcode generator to main Spiffy Calendar plugin version 3.4.0
* Remove extraneous code from customizer
* Check for main plugin before including bonus code

Version 2.1 (December 2, 2016)

* Fix php tags that don't work on some server configurations

Version 2.0 (December 1, 2016)

* New: Theme customizer
* Fix: Adjust some premium theme styles to work better with Twenty Seventeen theme
* Fix: Error if attempt to use Camptix interface while Camptix is disabled
* Fix: Clean up minor php notice

Version 1.6

* Fix potential conflict of shortcode buttons with other plugins

Version 1.5

* Fix ICS export for events with start/end times
* Run auto-update check on admin_init instead of init

Version 1.4

* Move to spiffyplugins.ca domain

Version 1.3

* Fix: ICS export button changes to work with WordPress 4.4

Version 1.2

* Fix: CampTix order form shortcode fix to display properly

Version 1.1

* IMPROVEMENT: Don't add admin bar shortcuts if the user has no permission to access the area

Version 1.0 (Nov, 2015)

* Bonus calendar themes
* ICS export
* CampTix integration